Ofunre Iriobe
Jan 5, 2022


No New Mistakes

We are taught daily, but very few of us learn every day. This is why we repeat the same mistakes constantly. We see people walk through a path that leads to a hole; rather than avoid that path or what led them to that path, we still follow the same direction. They fell into that pit to teach us to follow another way. But, many of us still want to have the pit experience - so we follow them and make the same mistake and then pontificate that "experience is the best teacher."

Experience is the best teacher as long as it is not yours. Learn what others are trying to teach you with their lives and experience, even if not directed to you.

There are no new mistakes or errors; we only have more careless people. We only have different people make the same mistake.



Ofunre Iriobe

Lifestyle | Knowledge | Think | Create | Innovate I share lessons I learn from life and books I read My opinion can be biased